Monday, September 8, 2008

Any Suggestions?

Our family is starting up our family devotion time again,(we took the summer off,) and I am struggling to find something to do with our two-year old during this time. He for the most part is a huge distraction, of course b/c he is so cute as are the things he does, and its diffucult for all of us to concentrate and focus. Does anyone have any suggestions that might work?


Heather said...

Hmm, will he look at books? Maybe you could get him a special devo book that is for toddlers and that could be his special time to look at them. When Bethany was two, we did devotions for really little kids. Maybe you could try that, too. A book that has a short Bible story that he might be interested in???

All 4 My Gals said...

I sometimes get the younger ones to help me act out the story. Or save a special activity like coloring or play doh just for that time. Good luck!

Heather said...

Michelle, I tagged you on my blog. The rules are there:) Okay, I didn't follow all of them, but most of them, I did. Miss you!!! Post some pictures of the kids, please.....

junglemama said...

Let him color or play with ice cubes on his high chair tray.