Monday, February 11, 2008


We have had some very good messages at church these past few weeks. They have been centered on dying to self, and then putting on, or growing in Christ. Our pastor gave a great analogy about how we dress our kids when they are young, and then change it, appropriately, as they get older. So should be true when we ask Jesus to be our Saviour. We are like babes, but we are expected to grow and mature. I have been challenged by hearing these messages. I have been feeling idle when it comes to being spiritual for quite some time now especially since having the baby. I can only coast for so long. I really need to make reading my Bible, and praying more of a priority. I also feel like I die to myself alot, but these messages have opened my eyes that I really don't truly practice this as much as I should. At least not always with the right attitude!


Heather said...

What a great reminder.

Martha said...

Do you go to a women's Bible study? I sure do miss the ones with the ladies from Sodus!

I have been challenged in this area of dying to self also.

Michelle said...

Martha,come to think of it I haven't been in one since we left Sodus. WBBC isnt't real big on bible studies unfortunately.

junglemama said...

Thanks for posting this. I love when messages speak right to me. It sounds like this one would have for me.

Martha said...

Let me know if you hear of one nearby.

Heather said...

I just started going to a ladies' Bible study at our church and it has been so wonderful. It definitely adds so much to my week. It is a nice blend of older women and younger women and women in between. I hope you guys find one. Martha, I thought you went to one at your church. Or maybe it is a prayer time I am thinking of.

Martha said...

We have Ladies' prayer on Tuesday mornings followed by a Bible study, but they have a tendancy to watch prerecorded dvd's and I miss the interaction with the other women.