Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few things

Well, I am sad to report that Abby did not place in the Apple Blossom Cornation. I would be lying if I said I wasn't. But, we moved on and I have tried not to analyze it too much as to why she was not picked. None of her closest friends were picked nor anyone from her class so that made coping alittle easier for her. Abby handled it very well and I am thankful that she is so easygoing to feel sad and then be able to move on.

On a happier note,our family has been enjoying watching a family of geese in our yard. We have been anxiously awaiting the mama's eggs to hatch for about a month now,(she built her nest under the willow tree by the pond) and on Saturday we woke to 6 very cute little geeslings walking around their nest. It was wonderful to be able to see such a thing unfold. They are so adorable, especially when they swim in the pond. At first they spent alot of their time in between out yard and our neighbors, but yesterday they ventured down the road and across the street to the neighbors pond. It will be sad when we don't see them anymore. I am glad that my children don't grow up as fast as geese do!


Bethany said...

How fun! The girls must've loved watching them :)

Heather said...

I am so proud of Abby for trying something and being so satisfied with the results even if they were not the results she wanted. You are so great, Abby!

The geese must be so cute. We got to watch a lot of geese when we lived in Browns Mills. It was so cute.

Heather said...

Michelle, where have you been? What's new????

Heather said...

Michelle, when are you going to write a new post? Maybe some pictures so I can see the kids???? I know you are busy enjoying your summer, but I miss you and need some info every now and then;)